Linda Anne Quinlan Gasper:  

Linda Anne Quinlan Gasper's Classmates® Profile Photo
Hingham High SchoolClass of 1968
Hingham, MA
Boston, MA
Boston, MA
Braintree, MA
West bridgewater, MA

Linda Anne's Story

UPDATE September 14,2016 Just a note. I occasionally stop by here and play the a game called"I went to three high schools in four I remember you?" For those of you who were at "Archie Bills" class of '68, I was there from 1964-1966. Some of you may remember me as I had one heck of a 16th birthday party! However, the Sister's of Charity were not too charitable to me and felt I was not "good, Catholic girl" material for the school, so I went on to the boarding school from hell-lasting from '66-January, 1968-returning to where I belonged, back with my Hingham school buds! Ah, what a great time it was. Hope all is well with everyone and was real sorry to hear Jocko Marcellino's brother passed away. I had such a crush on him and George Montilllio(?)-the bakery family. So, cheers to all! UPDATE July 20, 2016 Got the hip so now I'm getting more and more mobile. So here's the latest. I now have nine grandkids and my house looks like a daycare to nearly "tween". center, but heck, it's interesting. I don't regret moving back to the house I grew up in, but ugh, the work that still needs to be done! Not to feel sorry for myself, but that wait of over three years to get the darn hip, now has me overwhelmed as I try to sort through "stuff" and dump it. Then there's so much that needs to be fixed inside and out...UGH! Could I be getting OLD??? Nope, age is just a "state of mind"-if you still have one. Anyhow, if anyone hangs out on Facebook, that is where I can normally be found. So, enjoy your summer and above all LIVE,LOVE, and be FREE! Toodles for now. Update October 2015 Plastic surgery on my leg was a success. On November 23rd, I get to become part "Bionic Woman" with a full hip replacement. I've been circling Orthopedic Airport SS Hospital for three years now, and if all goes well, I can finally land. My friends and family have been terrific through this whole ordeal of two decades. I am really blessed. Can't wait to get my legs on the ground again and finally, do some traveling. And no lie, I'm going to go to Disney. My grandbabies are getting so big and we are having another addition in December. My four sons have done really well and now, are enjoying parenthood-just like their parents! :) So in order we have Cierra, Kelley(shared),Amethyst,Leo,Nic, Cameron, Emma, and Julianna. Making her entrance in December, will be Violet Jade. So, as you can see, it's time for me to throw the walker out the window and start running around, again. Life is Good-even when we may think it's bad! Onwards and Upwards.... Update August 2015: I'm still here. Since I last updated, I now have eight grand babies and one in the oven! Still waiting on my hip, but at last, I have a great group of doctors who were able to figure out the main reason my leg nightmare wasn't healing. So, it looks like I'll be up and running with my new hip by early 2016. Am working on my "tell-all" book that will bring what was done to my family, friends and I out in to the open. What happened to me, the hell we have been through for 22 years is inexcusable-all because one hospital and it's head doctor did not report the medical errors! Yes, there is finally hope on the horizon, but I still can't forget, all this hell was totally needless. Worse, if it could happen to me, how many others has it been done to. How many have died, how many were given permanent physical dishabilles and how many have suffered in silence because the truth never saw the light of day! So, if you cruise FB, send me a friend request. I don't come here often so I've missed some of you and yes, surprisingly, I remember you too. Live life, have fun and remember, no matter what, Hope springs eternal. Love to all. JUST SOME TID BITS ON MY LIFE-UPDATED To Begin:I've been married to Ron for 38 years.Nice Wisconsin"Farm Boy" meets the"Improper Bostonian".Together we have "produced" four sons-Ryan,Mike,Trevor,and Tyler-John. (I expand more on them in UPDATE). I'm a freelance writer and communication's consultant, specializing in effective corporate communications' strategies.I am seriously pursuing a wide-range of career enhancements as I write in update. I love research and law-at one point was in law school-when I had an injury to my right leg that has left me permanently physically disabled.Because of what I have experienced, seen and lived the "activist" in me is alive and well working on numwerous issues. That flame within me has been really burning ever so much stronger and I'm still on my QUEST in an attempt at illuminating the ignorant within our society that apathy just doesn't cut it! I know all too well the misconceptions and "stinkin' thinkin'" that cause abuses of human rights among a very vulnerable population group-the disabled.I'll let you know more once my web site/blog goes back up. I've been a newspaper reporter,editor,columnist, software technical writer,high school-INNER CITY English teacher, and college Writing Instructor-Technical/Proposal/Grant Writing and Introduction to Journalism, besides my advocacy battles that I thrive on. Having gone through the doors and out of three high schools during four years,a four-year stint at Boston College and two years at Boston University-I found more continuity and stability in my academic pursuits(I think)-I know I have many people out there who I do think of and hope,think of me too-kindly!Let's get together and play a game of "CATCH-UP"! Whoever said "you can never go home again" was wrong, as I have done so and love it. School As I said in my "Life" bio, (hmmm, is that still around?) I attended three high schools in four years.No,my parents were not in the military!Guess which school said I wasn't a "proper reflection of a female student at a Catholic High School" and hinted to my parents, very strongly, that I pursue my high school academic career at another school.Rather kind of the Sister's of Charity to assist in redirecting my educational pursuits.So,how did I end-up at what I "affectionately" called"Howard School for Wayward Girls".It's name was actually "Howard School for Girls" in West Bridgewater,MA.The year was 1966 and I was 16 entering my Junior Year of high school, but first came THAT summer.AH!What a summer it was!My parents had a summer home in Sagamore Beach. It's just South of the entrance to the Cape Cod Canal and Scusset Beach. It was a great time to be 16 and living in a Summer neighborhood amongst a large amount of teenagers.We had block parties at eachother's houses almost every night and even had live bands come or we used all our 45's and rocked and rolled the night away.We also had dances at the neighborhood "Colony Club" clubhouse which also served as a day camp.We had the ocean almost right outside our doors, tennis courts and a "little store" where we all congregated every night.The store also served as a Post Office.To say the least,it was probably the best summer of my life,but my rebellious side and demand for freedom,was my demise.By mutual agreement,my parents and I decided maybe it was time I semi-moved out.I knew a girl who went to a Boarding School and I thought that would be my ticket to freedom.WRONG! School rules and the invasion of privacy was far worse than what I had had at home.But it had some real good points too.I made a lot of friends and besides a friend of mine from Sagamore Beach,Christina, I was lucky enough to have had an English teacher who encouraged me to write and whom I adored.He was extremely dignified with his English accent and sports coats with the patches on the elbows.Like my friend,he recognized a raw talent in me regarding my gift and strengths in putting pen to paper and writing poems, essays and humerous drama skits.He recommended me to be Editor-in-Chief of the yearbook my Senior year,an honor that normally went to a much more devoted student to the academic curriculum.I was more devoted to plotting how to sneak a cigarette,climb down the dorm's fire escape and attend a Friday night West Bridgewater football rally,having friends from Hingham drive out and sneak-out under the cloak of darkness, and making hard cider before one of our school's bi-monthly dances with prestigious all boy's boarding schools. I did finish the yearbook,but I left to return from whence I came, the Hingham Public School system.Sad to say,the yearbook I edited was the last one the school ever had as it closed at the end of the school year in 1968.So,as 1967 ended and 1968 began,I had one of those full circle experiences we all encounter on life's journey and returned to "home sweet home".Although it was hard to say good-by to a school and many girls that had become my family,I was happy to be back amongst many of the crowd I had spent the most important years of my life with.Ironically,I had spent four tumultuous years to return where I belonged.But the experiences I had and the people I met were well worth all my adolescent angst.Besides,all this great stuff has provided fodder for the book I hope to have published in late 2013.(My editor is a no-nonsense, hard hitting task master who demands rewrites!) I wouldn't trade it in for anything! UPDATE I'm BAAACK, but I have a problem with staying focused and directed-so, what else is new! I could bore you to death with the many detours I once again chose to take far removed from the smoother, paved road of my life's journey, but who the hell likes listenning to the "Oh, woe is me dribble" . However, I have leaerned that utilizing this lame excuse for a self-indulgent pity party, can actually have many positives. Instead of being a "cellar dweller", I realiz...Expand for more
ed by putting some humor in to the equation, was a real positive. Cripe, if I took myself seriously, I would have been "DEPARTED" decades ago. BORRRING. So, here's some news of use or not. I bought the house in Hingham I grew up in and we are in the process of rennovations both outside and in. I now have six (one almost "step granddaughter) and we just learned, two more on the way. One is due in September, the other in early November 2012! I don't think eight is going to be "good enough", but I love these little folks so much that as someone once wrote,"If I knew Grandkids could be such fun, I would have had them first!" A bit hard to do, but you get my gist. The count so far is three girls and three boys. All four of my sons have done exceptionally well with their careers, but the youngest has had some tough times that now, seem to be ending and is headed in a new career/life direction. Youngest son, Tyler, has done phenomenal proving he too could defy all odds. He has the best, sweetest, cute and loyal girlfriend, Ashley, whom he now lives with in a beautiful house overlooking the Weymouth Harbor area with a view of all of Boston. He's also only 10 minutes a way! Ashley has a daughter, Kelley, so we have of course claimeed her as one of ours. Meanwhile, Tyler is moving hell and high water to stop the nonsense of his ex-girlfriend and her family, and be a part of his daughter's life again! The family court system, at least Canton, is horrendous, to say the least and despite it having been court ordered he could speak to his daughter on the phone every night-NO MATTER WHAT, the ex and her father ripped their home phone out. This and many other things threw him under the bus so bad we all were afraid we'd lose him. BUT he's back and he is fighting for the right to be in his daughter's life after having paid $50 a week faithfully, trying to work with the ex to avoid court, but having had to go through four years of never being able to speak to his daughter, has made him retain a lawyer again and this time, being so much older, pursuing his right to be in his daughter's life. His strength, all he has gone through is amazingly inspirational and I plan on writing a book about how he has survived and is really focused and directed!. He actually should write it as his writing talent is amazing and I know his story would fly off the shelves coming from him-the one who has lived it! Plus, there has to be something done to ensure unwed father's have the right to keep a relationship with their children. Another cause for my advocacy arena. I loook at him and realize, how minor my problems are. He gives us all strength and hope, My first son, Ryan, is now living with his love, Renee, a lovely daughter just as all are. Boy! Am I lucky my sons all have gals that accept me as their "MONSTER-IN-LAW"! Ryan and Renee are the terrific parents of our beautiful, 7-year-old grand daughter, Amethyst Ocean. He's a computer genious, but prefers to play around in software development-games and things-while still working for UPS. He lives in the house he always loved-the one he grew up in in Bellingham-yes, we've been able to keep the houses in the family!. Renee and he are always a joy to be with. My second son, Mike, heads up an organization in Virginia called "Extra Special Parents"- a model for-profit foster program in which he has placed hundreds of kids, who God only knows where they would be-with families! It should be a model for the nation. He's an MSW with a head for business that is scary. He has the "touch". He is married to Jill, who is a PhD;ironically, mostly working with kids going through parent break-ups. Together they have our almost three-year-old beautiful grandson, Cameron and on November 13, 2013 added Julianna Michaela-10 pounds four ounces and of course, BOOOTIFUL!!. Third son, Trevor and his wife Susie live in South Bend, Indiana and have two sons, Leo Quinlan, who will be six in a month and Nicolas James, who will be three just three weeks before his cousin Cameron. They are also expecting a newcomer to the clan in September! On September 5, 2012 Emma Louise joined Leo and Nic so the girls grandbabies outnumber the boys. Emma is a real BOOOTIFUL baby too.Trevor is a lawyer, who just made partner at his law firm, and Susie is a housewife and working on her Master's Degree as she hopes to return to teaching once the boys-they insist third will be a boy too-are old enough-surprise, had a girl!. We miss them, as like Mike, they aren't too close. Mike is in Richmond, but it gives Ron and I a chance to travel.Ron also has a huge family in Wisconsin and his amazing Mom looks, acts, and feels younger than me and makes me feel like a jerk if I dare bemoan my physicallimitations. Love visitng with her as she sure kicks me you know where! Plus, Ron's family is just plain FUN and FUNCTIONAL! I had no clue that could be! ME? Well, I'm still me-stuck at Woodstock and my kids call me "RETRO". So, I have an affinity for Peter Pan, what can I say? I plan on moving on to facebook and then going back to some serious writing, including putting my interactive Blog back up on my domain. Can't tell you, but in a couple of months look for "Have Soap Box, Will Travel"(TM).I had too much of my writngs stolen previously,as well as ideas I threw-out for numerous projects that would be interesting to work on with people within the professional fields that could help these ideas become reality and therefore, improve our society and a few of the problems; too many people have made so complex- yet there are simple solutions based on what I know is all ready in place. However, I didn't realize the importance of copy righting things, let alone trademarking! Another lesson learned. I'm looking forward to my 40th reunion at BC June 1-3! My rommate for all four years,(girl deserves a medal..ME for four years!) Diane, and I decided to go, sans husbands and travel back in time. Gee, where the heck does time go?? The road over the past fifteen years has been rough, but not worth pining about as tomorrow always brings the hope and promise to allow us to fulfill that which we didn't finish yesterday.Plus, as I've stated, having taken the some roads no one has ever ventured has taught me that no matter how bad the negatives are, the positives from the experiences far outweigh them! I'm still crazy and have a lot of fun just being me. I need not be anybody less or more than I am-always free to be and I kinda like me, too! I did attend a reunion we had for anyone that could be found from the former Howard School for Girls(WAYWARD, perhaps?) I was with Cathy Wyman Whooten and we had a blast! It seemed like just yesterday as we were able to pick right up from where we had left off despite decades of not hearing from eachother. Thanks CLASSMATES. Mostly, I stay connected with BC crew and Hingham High gang. It is hard having gone through three high schools in four years! Just didn't make the grade of being a "good representation of a Catholic girl teen at "Archie Bills". I'm also thinking about returning to the work I loved as a Tech/Grant/Proposal Witer, Journalist, or Instructor of Writing/Intro to Journalism on a college level. I just take it one day at a time. I do know I've somewhat hidden myself over the past decade so I'm emerging from my cave, renewed, stronger, and smarter than ever! Perhaps a better word is much more "wiser". I'm going to do better at updating, but for all those of you who knew me when or even, now-stay in touch. We all need to LIVE, LAUGH, and be HAPPY-no matter what zone we may be in! Linda Anne Quinlan Gasper Revamped February 17, 2013..... I'll try and post some pictures, eventually and maybe even follow this site's "story board", but at least I'm back in the light!! UPDATE September 2013 Just when I thought it was safe to bo back in the water....This has not been the worst few months I have had. I guess I need a lawyer to get medical help as there seems to be legal issues involving medically criminal behavior that is holding me hostage to getting the medical help I need! This really stinks as we don't know anything, but bits and pieces as medical professionals are more worried about their careers and liability then helping me. This has to stop! From what we have learned, the state Board of Registration doesn't take kindly to medical whistle blowers and the medical professionals who care to do the right thing, can't because they aren't protected and face career ruination! Meanwhile, I'm stuck with a leg infection in the bone that never should have happened and the infection spread to the back and hip! I can't believe the burden is on the victim to get help, but that is what is happening! All I want is to get my life back, but instead, detours and curve balls keep lining the road! Oh well. It has to get better as no one should have to live like I am. I keep that candle of HOPE burning bright and just know, it can't get any worse than it is now so some medical professional and I guess, legal advocate, have got to step up to the plate! Here's Hoping, ya know? UPDATE 2014: Hang out on Facebook more than here. Also, have to get back to linked-in! Things are going ok-except I need a new hip! That's the pits, ya know? I now have 8 grandkids and love them all to pieces. Two of my sons are not that far from us and the other two are in Virginia and Indiana..So, I need that darn hip so Ronnie and I can do some traveling together. Right now, he flies solo and I'm too darn young to be an "invalid". Hope is on the horizon-at least, that's what I keep telling myself!
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